Spring Cloud Gateway 过滤器 返回首页

发表于 2019-09-03 | 本文共 2722 字


过滤器是 Zuul1.x 功能的核心部分,比如收到请求后在PreDecorationFilter里判断是通过ribbon路由RibbonRoutingFilter,还是直接跳转SendForwardFilter,还是简单路由SimpleHostRoutingFilter等操作都是通过过滤器实现,且Zuul1.x的过滤器简单易与扩展。 比较重要的类有RequestContextZuulServletZuulRunnerFilterProcessorFilterLoader



 * The Request Context holds request, response,  state information and data for ZuulFilters to access and share.
 * The RequestContext lives for the duration of the request and is ThreadLocal.
 * extensions of RequestContext can be substituted by setting the contextClass.
 * Most methods here are convenience wrapper methods; the RequestContext is an extension of a ConcurrentHashMap
 * ...
public class RequestContext extends ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> {
    private static RequestContext testContext = null;

    protected static final ThreadLocal<? extends RequestContext> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<RequestContext>() {
        protected RequestContext initialValue() {
            try {
                return contextClass.newInstance();
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
     * Get the current RequestContext
     * @return the current RequestContext
    public static RequestContext getCurrentContext() {
        // 通过getCurrentContext()方法获取
        if (testContext != null) return testContext;

        RequestContext context = threadLocal.get();
        return context;

     * unsets the threadLocal context. Done at the end of the request.
    public void unset() {
        // 在ZuulServlet#service的finally代码块中被调用
    // 下边是一堆get、set方法,包括getRequest(),setRequest()等等




 * Core Zuul servlet which intializes and orchestrates zuulFilter execution
 * ...
public class ZuulServlet extends HttpServlet {
    public void service(javax.servlet.ServletRequest servletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse servletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {
        try {
            // 调用了ZuulRunner#init初始化RequestContext,并把ServletRequest、ServletResponse放进RequestContext。
            init((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest, (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse);

            // Marks this request as having passed through the "Zuul engine", as opposed to servlets
            // explicitly bound in web.xml, for which requests will not have the same data attached
            RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();

            // 这里可以看出ZuulFilter的处理顺序:
            // pre->route->post;
            // 如果pre和route阶段出现异常,调用error->post;
            // 如果post阶段出现异常,调用error。
            try {
                preRoute(); // 调用了ZuulRunner#preRoute
            } catch (ZuulException e) {
                error(e); // 把异常放进RequestContext后调用了ZuulRunner#error
                postRoute(); // 调用了ZuulRunner#postRoute
            try {
                route(); // 调用了ZuulRunner#route
            } catch (ZuulException e) {
            try {
            } catch (ZuulException e) {

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            error(new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_" + e.getClass().getName()));
        } finally {
            // 调用ThreadLocal#remove,清空RequestContext



 * This class initializes servlet requests and responses into the RequestContext and wraps the FilterProcessor calls
 * to preRoute(), route(),  postRoute(), and error() methods
 * ...
public class ZuulRunner {
     * sets HttpServlet request and HttpResponse
     * @param servletRequest
     * @param servletResponse
    public void init(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {
        // 被ZuulServlet#service调用
        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
        if (bufferRequests) {
            ctx.setRequest(new HttpServletRequestWrapper(servletRequest));
        } else { // ZuulServlet#init创建了一个bufferRequests为false的ZuulRunner,所以没有warp request。
        // 把request和response放进RequestContext
        ctx.setResponse(new HttpServletResponseWrapper(servletResponse));

     * executes "post" filterType  ZuulFilters
     * @throws ZuulException
    public void postRoute() throws ZuulException {
        // 调用FilterProcessor#postRoute,其他route、preRoute和error也是调用的FilterProcessor里的同名方法。


FilterProcessor的javadoc注释This the the core class to execute filters.,在FilterProcessor#processZuulFilter调用了ZuulFilter#runFilter对ZuulFilters进行处理。

 * This the the core class to execute filters.
 * ...
public class FilterProcessor {
     * runs "post" filters which are called after "route" filters. ZuulExceptions from ZuulFilters are thrown.
     * Any other Throwables are caught and a ZuulException is thrown out with a 500 status code
     * @throws ZuulException
    public void postRoute() throws ZuulException {
        try {
            // route和preRoute和这个方法一样,区别是调用runFilters时参数分别是route和pre
        } catch (ZuulException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new ZuulException(e, 500, "UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_IN_POST_FILTER_" + e.getClass().getName());

     * runs all "error" filters. These are called only if an exception occurs.
     * Exceptions from this are swallowed and logged so as not to bubble up.
    public void error() {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // 异常被捕获而不抛出,但是在ZuulServlet中异常已经被放进RequestContext。
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

     * runs all filters of the filterType sType/ Use this method within filters to run custom filters by type
     * @param sType the filterType.
     * @return
     * @throws Throwable throws up an arbitrary exception
    public Object runFilters(String sType) throws Throwable {
        if (RequestContext.getCurrentContext().debugRouting()) {
            Debug.addRoutingDebug("Invoking {" + sType + "} type filters");
        boolean bResult = false;
        // 从FilterLoader中获取对应类型的ZuulFilter,是排过序的
        List<ZuulFilter> list = FilterLoader.getInstance().getFiltersByType(sType);
        if (list != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                ZuulFilter zuulFilter = list.get(i);
                Object result = processZuulFilter(zuulFilter); // 获取ZuulFilter,并调用processZuulFilter方法
                if (result != null && result instanceof Boolean) {
                    bResult |= ((Boolean) result); // |= 操作,与 += 一样但比较少见,此外还有 &= 、^=
        return bResult;

     * Processes an individual ZuulFilter. This method adds Debug information.
     * Any uncaught Thowables are caught by this method and converted to a ZuulException with a 500 status code.
     * @param filter
     * @return the return value for that filter
     * @throws ZuulException
    public Object processZuulFilter(ZuulFilter filter) throws ZuulException {

        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext(); // get RequestContext
        boolean bDebug = ctx.debugRouting();
        final String metricPrefix = "zuul.filter-"; // 没有被用到~
        long execTime = 0;
        String filterName = "";
        try {
            long ltime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            filterName = filter.getClass().getSimpleName();

            RequestContext copy = null;
            Object o = null;
            Throwable t = null;

            if (bDebug) {
                Debug.addRoutingDebug("Filter " + filter.filterType() + " " + filter.filterOrder() + " " + filterName);
                copy = ctx.copy();

            // 调用ZuulFilter#runFilter。根据过滤器里的shouldFilter判断是否执行过滤器的run()方法。
            // 如果执行过滤器的run()方法,返回执行成功(SUCCESS)或失败(FAILED),不执行则返回跳过(SKIPPED)
            ZuulFilterResult result = filter.runFilter();
            // ZuulFilter#runFilter执行状态
            ExecutionStatus s = result.getStatus();
            // ZuulFilter#runFilter执行时间
            execTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - ltime;

            switch (s) {
                case FAILED: // 过滤器的run()执行异常
                    t = result.getException();
                    ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.FAILED.name(), execTime);
                case SUCCESS: // 过滤器的的run()执行结束
                    o = result.getResult();
                    ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS.name(), execTime);
                    if (bDebug) {
                        Debug.addRoutingDebug("Filter {" + filterName + " TYPE:" + filter.filterType() + " ORDER:" + filter.filterOrder() + "} Execution time = " + execTime + "ms");
                        Debug.compareContextState(filterName, copy);
                    // 过滤器的shouldFilter是false

            if (t != null) throw t; // 如果过滤器的run()异常,抛异常

            // 如果过滤器的run()执行结束或跳过,调用BasicFilterUsageNotifier#notify。
            usageNotifier.notify(filter, s);
            return o;

        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // 异常往上抛出,在ZuulServlet#service方法里被捕获,然后通过error类型的过滤器处理异常。
            if (bDebug) {
                Debug.addRoutingDebug("Running Filter failed " + filterName + " type:" + filter.filterType() + " order:" + filter.filterOrder() + " " + e.getMessage());
            // 调用BasicFilterUsageNotifier#notify,创建一个name是zuul.filter-${filter的类名}的计时器,并count + 1
            usageNotifier.notify(filter, ExecutionStatus.FAILED);
            if (e instanceof ZuulException) {
                throw (ZuulException) e;
            } else {
                ZuulException ex = new ZuulException(e, "Filter threw Exception", 500, filter.filterType() + ":" + filterName);
                ctx.addFilterExecutionSummary(filterName, ExecutionStatus.FAILED.name(), execTime);
                throw ex;
    // BasicFilterUsageNotifier#notify和一些test



 * This class is one of the core classes in Zuul. It compiles, loads from a File, and checks if source code changed.
 * It also holds ZuulFilters by filterType.
 * ...
public class FilterLoader {
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ZuulFilter>> hashFiltersByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ZuulFilter>>();

    private FilterRegistry filterRegistry = FilterRegistry.instance();
     * Returns a list of filters by the filterType specified
     * @param filterType
     * @return a List<ZuulFilter>
    public List<ZuulFilter> getFiltersByType(String filterType) {

        List<ZuulFilter> list = hashFiltersByType.get(filterType); // 第一次获取返回null
        if (list != null) return list;

        list = new ArrayList<ZuulFilter>();

        // 从FilterRegistry#getAllFilters取所有的ZuulFilters。
        // 在ZuulFilterInitializer的PostConstruct方法里,会把ZuulFilters放进FilterRegistry
        // 的一个ConcurrentHashMap里。
        Collection<ZuulFilter> filters = filterRegistry.getAllFilters();
        for (Iterator<ZuulFilter> iterator = filters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            ZuulFilter filter = iterator.next();
            if (filter.filterType().equals(filterType)) {
                // 所需类型的ZuulFilter
        // 排序
        Collections.sort(list); // sort by priority

        // 把对应类型的ZuulFilters放进hashFiltersByType(一个ConcurrentHashMap),
        // 这样第二次调用这个方法可以直接返回所需的ZuulFilters
        hashFiltersByType.putIfAbsent(filterType, list);
        return list;



public abstract class ZuulFilter implements IZuulFilter, Comparable<ZuulFilter> {
    // 过滤器类型
    abstract public String filterType();
    // 过滤器优先级
    abstract public int filterOrder();
    // return zuul.[classname].[filtertype].disable
    public String disablePropertyName() {
        return "zuul." + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + filterType() + ".disable";
    // 过滤器是否被禁用。
    // 在runFilter()方法里,通过判断isFilterDisabled与过滤器的shouldFilter方法,来确定是否执行过滤器的run方法
    public boolean isFilterDisabled() {
        filterDisabledRef.compareAndSet(null, DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getBooleanProperty(disablePropertyName(), false));
        return filterDisabledRef.get().get();

     * runFilter checks !isFilterDisabled() and shouldFilter(). The run() method is invoked if both are true.
     * @return the return from ZuulFilterResult
    public ZuulFilterResult runFilter() {
        ZuulFilterResult zr = new ZuulFilterResult();
        if (!isFilterDisabled()) { // 是否被禁用
            if (shouldFilter()) { // 是否应该执行
                Tracer t = TracerFactory.instance().startMicroTracer("ZUUL::" + this.getClass().getSimpleName());
                try {
                    Object res = run(); // 执行过滤器的run()
                    zr = new ZuulFilterResult(res, ExecutionStatus.SUCCESS);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    t.setName("ZUUL::" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " failed");
                    zr = new ZuulFilterResult(ExecutionStatus.FAILED);
                } finally {
            } else {
                zr = new ZuulFilterResult(ExecutionStatus.SKIPPED);
        return zr;

    ... // compare与test






DisPatcherHandler ->

