- step1 help
- step2 Music is Math
- step3 Your first Haskell expression
- step4 Types of values
- step5 Lesson 1 done already
- step6 We put the funk in function
- step7 Tuples, because sometimes one value ain’t enough
- step8 We’ll keep them safe, don’t worry about it
- step9 Lesson 2 done! Wow, great job
- step10 Let them eat cake
- step11 Basics over, let’s go
- step12 You constructed a list
- step13 You’re on fire
- step14 Lesson 3 over! Syntactic sugar is sweet
- step15 Functions, functors, functoids, funky
- step16 Lists and Tuples
- step17 Let there be functions
- step18 Let there be functions
- step19 Exercise time
- step20 Lesson 4 complete
- step21 And therefore, patterns emerge in nature
- step22 Ignoring values
- step23 Exercise
- step24 Well done
- step25 And that’s the end of that chapter
step1 help
23 * 36
or reverse "hello"
or foldr (:) [] [1,2,3]
or do line <- getLine; putStrLn line
or readFile "/welcome"
和do line
step2 Music is Math
type in: 5 + 7
got: 12:: Num a => a
step3 Your first Haskell expression
type in: "chris"
got: "chris":: [Char]
step4 Types of values
type in: [42,13,22]
got: [42,13,22]:: Num t => [t]
step5 Lesson 1 done already
Let’s see what you’ve learned so far:
- How to write maths and lists of things.
type in: sort [42,13,22]
got: [13,22,42]:: (Num a, Ord a) => [a]
step6 We put the funk in function
type in: sort "chris"
got: "chirs":: [Char]
step7 Tuples, because sometimes one value ain’t enough
type in: (28,"chirs")
got: (28,"chirs"):: Num t => (t, [Char])
step8 We’ll keep them safe, don’t worry about it
type in: (1,"hats",23/35)
got: (1,"hats",0.6571428571428571):: (Fractional t1, Num t) => (t, [Char], t1)
type in: ("Shaggy","Daphnie","Velma")
got: ("Shaggy","Daphnie","Velma"):: ([Char], [Char], [Char])
type in: fst (28,"chirs")
got: 28:: Num a => a
step9 Lesson 2 done! Wow, great job
Time to take a rest and see what you learned:
- Functions can be used on lists of any type.
- We can stuff values into tuples.
- Getting the values back from tuples is easy.
type in: let x = 4 in x * x
got: 16:: Num a => a
step10 Let them eat cake
ps: Let them eat cake. 习语:何不食肉糜。
let var = expression in body
声明变量并赋值,声明变量 x 并赋值 4,然后通过body运算后再赋值 4 * 4。
You just bound a variable. That is, you bound x to the expression 4, and then you can write x in some code (the body) and it will mean the same as if you’d written 4.
type in: let x = 8 * 10 in x + x
got: 160:: Num a => a
type in: let villain = (28,"chirs") in fst villain
got: 28
step11 Basics over, let’s go
type in: 'a' : []
got: "a" :: [Char]
step12 You constructed a list
type in: ['a','b']
got: "ab":: [Char]
type in: 'a' : 'b' : [] == ['a','b']
got: True:: Bool
step13 You’re on fire
type in: ['a','b','c'] == "abc"
got: True:: Bool
,可以通过语法糖'a' : 'b' : 'c' : []
type in: 'a' : 'b' : 'c' : [] == "abc"
got: True:: Bool
step14 Lesson 3 over! Syntactic sugar is sweet
Let’s have a gander at what you learned:
- In ‘a’ : [], : is really just another function, just clever looking.
- Pretty functions like this are written like (:) when you talk about them.
- A list of characters [‘a’,’b’] can just be written “ab”. Much easier!
有点像MapReduce,把(+1)方法传给map方法( passed the (+1) function to the map function)。
type in: map (+1) [1..5]
got: [2,3,4,5,6]:: (Enum b, Num b) => [b]
type in: map (*99) [1..10]
got: [99,198,297,396,495,594,693,792,891,990]:: (Enum b, Num b) => [b]
type in: map (/5) [13,24,52,42]
got: [2.6,4.8,10.4,8.4]:: Fractional b => [b]
type in: filter (>5) [62,3,25,7,1,9]
got: [62,25,7,9]:: (Num a, Ord a) => [a]
step15 Functions, functors, functoids, funky
type in: (1,"George")
got: (1,"George"):: Num t => (t, [Char])
step16 Lists and Tuples
list join操作后是新元素放在首位。
type in: 1 : [2,3]
got: [1,2,3]:: Num a => [a]
type in: 5 : [2,3]
got: [5,2,3]:: Num a => [a]
tuple 没有类似操作
type in: let square x = x * x in square 52
got: 2704:: Num a => a
step17 Let there be functions
let square x = x * x in square 52
是入参,函数的操作是x * x
,随后进行了square 52
type in: let square x = x * x in map square [1..10]
got: [1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100]:: (Enum b, Num b) => [b]
type in: let add1 x = x + 1 in add1 5
got: 6:: Num a => a
type in: let second x = snd x in second (3,4)
got: 4:: Num b => b
step18 Let there be functions
type in: let add1 x = x + 1 in map add1 [1,5,7]
got: [2,6,8]:: Num b => [b]
type in: let take5s = filter (==5) in take5s [1,5,2,5,3,5]
got: [5,5,5]:: (Eq a, Num a) => [a]
type in: let take5s = filter (==5) in map take5s [[1,5],[5],[1,1]]
got: [[5],[5],[]]:: (Eq a, Num a) => [[a]]
type in: toUpper 'a'
got: 'A':: Char
step19 Exercise time
exercise: “Chris” to upper case
type in: map toUpper "Chris"
got: "CHRIS":: [Char]
step20 Lesson 4 complete
Let’s go over what you’ve learned in this lesson:
- Functions like
take other functions as parameters. - Functions like
can be passed to other functions. - Defining functions is just a case of writing what to do with the parameters.
type in: let (a,b) = (10,12) in a * 2
got: 20:: Num a => a
step21 And therefore, patterns emerge in nature
type in: let (a:b:c:[]) = "xyz" in a
got: 'x':: Char
step22 Ignoring values
type in: let (a:_:_:_) = "xyz" in a
got: 'x':: Char
In fact, (a:b:c:d)
is short-hand for (a:(b:(c:d)))
, so you can just ignore the rest in one go: let (a:_) = "xyz" in a
step23 Exercise
Try to get the ‘a’ value from this value using pattern matching: (10,"abc")
type in: let (_, (a:_)) =(10,"abc") in a
got: 'a':: Char
step24 Well done
type in: let _:_:c:_ = "abcd" in c
got: 'c':: Char
type in: let [a,b,c] = "cat" in (a,b,c)
got: ('c','a','t'):: (Char, Char, Char)
type in: let abc@(a,b,c) = (10,20,30) in (abc,a,b,c)
got: ((10,20,30),10,20,30):: (Num t, Num t1, Num t2) => ((t, t1, t2), t, t1, t2)
step25 And that’s the end of that chapter
help end.
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